Spiritual Knowledge

swoyambhu stupa history | swayambhu nath history | monkey temple

swoyambhu history, swayambhu nath history

swoyambhu history

history of swoyambu Nath stupa

Once upon a Time when the crown head buddha visited Swoyambu Nath stupa. At that time there did not yet come humans and the established town bcoz of Kathmandu valley was full of water( Lake).  

So Swoyambu means” self occur Swoyambu Nath stupa was the self-occurs stupa,  during the crown head buddha time in Kathmandu Valley was full of the water,(big lake)  the middle of the lake had a grew big-lotus flower with thousand petals and anthers of flowers had self occurs stupa, size of 12-inches with lighting crystal stupa produced from the three-timebuddha’s compassion and emptiness.

When in this world people can live 60 thousand years old.  The protect-buddha came to benefit sentient beings in this world. At this time the  Embodyment of the Manjushri budda’s  (Vajra-Acharya-Manjushri God, had excellent powerful clairvoyance and miracle came together with his retinues from Mountain with 5 peaks in china to visite to the self occurs lighting crystal stupa in swoyambu Nath Kathmandu valley in Nepal. 

But during that time in the Kathmandu valley, there were not yet live human beings and still lakes, so only they can go to visit a stupa that has a miracle power.  bcoz of full of the water (big lake) in the Kathmandu valley. So Manjushri-God thought that if I dry off this big-lake and transform into a normal ground then an ordinary people also can go to visite to this very precious self occur lightning crystals stupa for prostrate, circumambulate and offering. then he took out very Sharpe wisdom swords and cut off the mountain of Kathmandu valley, So then water flew out slowly and It had been taken 4 days and 4 night for dry off the big lake.  But still, there was left a small lake, which a Tibetan people name called (the sword lake).

swoyambhu history

 Thus then there was a shown up lotus flowers with 5 thousand petals in the middle of the flower has a self occur lightning crystals stupa. The base of Gems self-occurs crystals stupa’s essential was very solid and became grown-up swoyambu Nath stupa mountain, also called (lotus mountain) etc. Then the gradual people were live shorter live in this world until 40 thousand years old, Manushibuddha came again into this world, during this time occurs people and established towns around the swoyambu Nath stupa mountain.

 Although when people can live 30 thousand years old the Kanakamuni buddha came in this world for benefit sentient beings,(1 of the 7 buddhas), during this time Vajara-Acharya-Manjushri God actual gain the certainty of arhat Manjushri buddha and invoke to him for self occurs crystals stupa’s essence is a field of dharmadatu sound mandala stupa and he did consecrate and given the name of instruction of 12 authentical syllables essent stupa. 

After that quite long time, people can live until 20 thousand years old, during this time then the Kashyapa Buddha came into this world for benefit sentient beings, Vajra-Acharya-ManjushriGod had appeared again and done everything off his responsibility for the stupa. And he became invisible body like a crystals god body and to return to the 5 peaks of the mountain in china like a thunder light.   

swoyambhu history

After that (Vajra Archarya Santi Shri, he was a king and he gave his all dignity to his son for taking care of royalty and he became a bhikshu.  While he was a monk he wanted to protect 12 inches of self occurs lightningcrystals stupa.  So he covers the stupa with mud from outside and then built up a shape of recently swoyambhu Nath stupa style form. So Essence of the stupa is self occurs crystals stupa. 

also, he builds up so many stupas for Many different gods. E.G, Peaceful stupa, Black mountain stupa, Wind stupa, Wealth stupa, Fire stupa, or also called 5 towns or temple. These 5 stupas specially build for individually 5 gods. Earth god, Water god, Wind god, Wealth god, and Fire god.  while he has done this stupa or town for 5 gods. There were many propitious signs, very auspicious and prosperities, and a good harvest inKathmandu valley. 

The near the stupa of northwest direction has a very special blessing fire stupa and peaceful stupa for a  Roaring Yakshini (female yaksha, 

Very close of Northern direction of stupa there have a black stupa, near the stupa of Southwest direction there have a wind stupa, Then the western direction of Manjushri Buddha’s Mountain there has a very precious Manjushri buddha’s throne, and also stupa of Kashyapa buddhas, 

very close to EastWest direction of stupa’s middle of right-left stupa there have very long stone stairs and down of the stairs, there have a buddha Shakya muni statue and Mahakala statue. And top of the stone stairs there have a copper-golden Thorne and the middle of the Thorne have a golden Vajara above a very amazing lord sound mandala, and around those stupas, we can also visit five great religions’ monasteries. 

Swoyambu Nath stupa or temple is also called monkey temple. This temple is located at Kathmandu valley in Nepal.

 In 1979 swoyambu Nath stupa was a UNESCO WorldHeritage Site. along with Boudha stupa, these are some of the most popular tourism sites in the Kathmandu area inNepal. Thus there are so many and all over the world tourist are come to visit swoyambu Nath stupa or monkey temple to make prayers and wishes. 

swoyambhu history


Milan Tomic

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