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chod founders biography, what is chod, chod, 2020,

chod founders biography

Summary of Machig life story

Machig was live in Labchi Kangra in the Tibet with her mother-Bumcham and father-Chokyi Dawa. She is a manifested in human form from great mother-prajnaparamita

Her chod lineage Guru is Fa-Dampa-Sangye. 

Specially; The chod teaching and the practice (Pungpo Sengyurma) were transmitted In the Tibet by Machig Lapdron. Who thus played a very important role in the chod lineages 

the full biography of, Machig previous life:

 Machig was an Indian a great pandit Mahasidda(drondrup-zangpo) in her previous life. To benefit the snow regions, this yogi left his body during a subside India and his consciousness travelled to Labchi Kangra of Tibet. This conscious entered the womb of great noblewomen Bumcham.

special dreams when the baby was born

The night she conceived this woman and her sister, and even her neighbours, had many special dreams when the baby was born, it had been a woman with a third eye shape in her forehead.

 Her mother Bumcham hide the baby behind a door, scared of what her husband Chokyi Dawa and the public would say, but he had heard the baby had been born and insisted on seeing her. 

He saw a letter written very clearly into her eye marked, saw that she had all the signs of a wisdom Dakini(feminine wisdom) being she grew rapidly and before she was three Machig knew many mantras and she can to do prostration and make offers with her mother

King invited her to the kingdom

She learned to read easily, and have become a speed reader and the time she was Five. She could read two volumes within the time it took an adult reader to read one. The king had heard of her fame and extended an invitation to her and families to meet with him and tested her publicly, declaring that she was a wisdom Dakini.

Thus the king was so happy and he offered gift and prayers, and gave her new name of “ Labdron,” as the one born in the village of Labchi Kangra and already called Dronma by her mother-bumcham and father- Chokyi Dawa, then recommended that she keeps a distance from the negative people

chod founders biography

Machig study time

Machig Lapdron, live home together with her mother and sister and spent Five years reciting the prajnaparamita sutra. After her mother passed away, she and her sister began to review with various teachers. machig was study with a educator teacher Drapa Lama, who taught her in very profound and deep about the prajna-paramita sutra. 

He then asked her to remain with him for four years. She agreed and have become the reader for his monastery, travelling to the homes of laypeople and reciting the sutra. During this way, she engaged herself in these teaching while serving her teacher.

Machig was close identification with the Prajna-Paramita

The Prajna Paramita, or “Great Mother,” it is a very profound philosophical theory in Buddhism. The Prajna-Paramita sutra is the most important sutra of the text of Mahayana, which emphasizes the doctrines of emptiness and compassion. Prajnaparamita is known as great a mother of all buddha and bodhisattvas.

chod founders biography,

Here is that the main point verse from the heart Sutra

Form is the emptiness, Emptiness is the Form, Form is not aside the from emptiness, Emptiness is not aside from the form.

The machig labdron was the close identification to the Prajnaparamita from machig's childhood extend from her life. Because her entire practice of Chod is goal toward overcoming the ego of  self-clinging, So we will perceive a state where there's no self and no other, which is what Prajna-Paramita teaches.

Four kinds of Maras

 In Machig's time, about fifteen hundred years after Buddha, the thought of Mara had been weakened into four kinds of Mara, categories of obstacles to enlightenment. the first Mara is our psyche's physical aggregates. The second is, Mara of destructive, poisonous emotions, which may affect us not only mentally but physically (feeling depression, anxiety, jealousy, distraction etc.). 

The third Mara is being so trapped in trying to possess a luxury life that we miss the chance to awaken called the 'Mara of the god-child demon, and the fourth Mara is that the death, this is often an obstacle that clearly limits us and abolishes golden chance for longer life practice.

 It had been in reading about these four Maras that Machig had her enlightenment experience

Later, she fundamentally changed her way of life and began on her path to eventually formulate the Chod practice supported overcoming the four Maras, which Machig categorized in her own unique way. 

Her true Chod lineage Guru

later Machig received more teachings from Fa-dampa Sangye, who recognized her true Chod lineage and explained to her that she was descended from Prajna-Paramita, the mother of all the Buddhas. Then he told her about her past life in India, in which there was a prediction in several ancient texts that within the age after the death of Buddha, there would be an emanation of the Mother of all the Buddhas within the northern snow country (Tibet). consistent with the prediction, her teachings would spread widely and endure an extended time.

chod founders biography,

chod founders biography

Dream about an Indian yogi named Thopabhadra 

After Machig meetings with Dampa Sangye and Lama Sonam, she was sent to read the Prajna Paramita to a family connected to her teacher, and when she arrived she had a dream about an Indian yogi named Thopabhadra. 

Later an equivalent night she had another similar dream, and therefore the next morning while the sun was rising a woman arrived, riding a white mule, she had been sent from India by the Yogi Thopabhadra. She said he was an excellent Pandit(yogi) and he was inviting Machig to go to him.

Machig did so. After seventeen days of discussing Dharma and telling stories about India, Thopabhadra came alongside Machig in the coupling, Because a bright rainbow light was seen coming from their room, the patroness of the house came to ascertain if the shrine had caught blaze lighting When she opened the door all she could see was brilliant red and white colours of sunshine fused together within the middle of the space. She kept this a secret. 

After seven days thopabhadra went on pilgrimage, and Machig continued to read the Prajna-Paramita sutra. But she was concerned that her relationship might cause disruptions and obstacles so she visited to see her teachers, Lama Drapa and Lama Sonam. They advised her to remain with him.

Family lineage of Chod doctrine, Her first son

Lama Sonam told her that she and he had a karmic connection and weren't breaking any religious vows; he'd had positive dreams about this union. Therefore when she was twenty-three Machig visited accept Thopabhadra, and thus the following year had her first son, Drubpa, which means “fulfilled, And when she was twenty-five she had another son, and when she was thirty she gave birth a daughter.

Machig’s teachers encouraged her to unite with him to make a family lineage of Chod doctrine. 

pperhaps mmachig needed a ConsoRt figure with Previously un-known path-ways to the bliss that allow her to bring her teachings into the bodily Experience. certainly, she was develop entire body of Sexual Yoga practice that couldn't have to inherit being without this experience. Nor was this the sole legacy of motherhood.

what is chod

 In any case, the celebrity and glory she had enjoyed since childhood, now Machig haVe three children and being a homeless yogini, wearing simple rags and wandering anywhere with her families to practice and benefit beings. Then, when she was thirty-five, Machig left her children with their father and returned to ascertain her teachers

Mastery over sutra and tantra

When she asked Lama Sonam for the ritual for awakening the heart-mind of Bodhi, he replied, You don't get to have awakening mind conferred on you. you're the undisputed great adept, the good Dharma Master. you're the good Mother, progenitor of all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. you're the good Eyes with mastery over sutra and tantra. you're the good Source and Treasury of All Dharma. you do not need an awakening mind ritual. In your presence, I'm sort of a star beneath the moon.

Machig's reputation spread throughout Tibet

 He then said You should attend Central Tibet. there's a Red-white copper mountain where

you'll help many beings who are to be subdued. bbefore pProceeding to tThe present place, she visited to Ascertain her other teacher, Pha-Dhampa Sangye, ShE asked him for more teachings, but he said that he had already given her his most profound teachings. So she moved to the red-white copper mountain during a place called (Zangri Karmar). 

There a few whose death had been predicted within a year asked Machig for help, and when she helped them avert this fate, Machig's reputation spread throughout Tibet. while she was forty years, stories about her excellent qualities had spread widely. As a great yogini, she taught the learned teachers of Tibet and has become legendary. 

At this point, she fully formulated the Mahamudra Chod, and have become referred to as Mother Lapdron. She composed her own tradition Chod(Pungpo sengyurma,)” offering the body as food for demons” Her doctrine of (Pungpo Sengyurma)became popular all over Tibet.

it had been said that through her practice of Chod she could heal 424 sorts of diseases and subdue 80,000 sorts of demonic forces. 

Tara made a prophecy about Machig 

When Machig was forty-one she went into the retreat during a cave, and therefore the female Buddha Tara, Goddess's mother of the Tibetan people seemed to her surrounded by many dakinis. Tara made a prophecy about Machig and her followers and emphasized that Machig would develop a secret “vanquishing conduct,” which is one among the ways Chod practise is defined. 

And later Machig praised to tara and said, You are very compassionate to me and had given me power. I'm just a weak foolish woman, but now I even have become someone who can benefit other beings due to your kindness. Then Tara said that Machig’s teaching would spread and she or he would attain enlightenment

Then the tara was said this,  ”Immeasurable light spread from her heart then dissolved in Machig's heart. Then Tara and her retinue dissolved into the sky, even as dawn broke.

Machig was reunited together with her children

After this Machig was reunited together with her children, who were delivered to her by Thopabhadra. Her son, who was fifteen, and her daughter, who was ten, had also begun training, and already knew several versions of the Prajna-Paramita sutra and some other practices. Her son was sometimes overcome by madness. 

Hence to resolve this problem Machig sent him to sleep for seven days during a charnel ground, where corps were cremated. he came back to cure, so she decided to give many teachings on him and had ordained as a monk.

Indian Pandits(Yogi) go to see analysis to Machig Labdron.

Machig’s name spread all the way from Tibet to India. Her new Mahamudra Chod proved revolutionary and drew a moment following. This was especially surprising because, at the time, Buddhist theology flowed almost exclusively from India to Tibet, and not the opposite way around. As a result, she caused quite stir among the higher-ups in Indian Buddhism.

According to her biography, the pandits in Bodhgaya held a gathering to debate her. They said, all authentic buddha-dharma comes from India but this teaching called Mahamudra Chod, didn’t hear Mahamudra does. This teaching has spread from Tibet to many placse and even to Nepal and people also receive a teachings from this woman with three eyes, she teache the Chod, which they claim overcome the 424 sicknesses and therefore the 80,000 obstructions. 

These three eyes woman claimed to be an Incarnation of the PrajnaParamita Dakini, but quite likely she's an emanation of bad demons. it'll probably be difficult to overcome her. But if we don't, she is going to destroy all of Tibet then eventually intrude on India. We must send excellent pandits to see an analysis of her.

Everyone agreed that since Machig appeared to be a dangerous magician they'd better send their most powerful scholar-yogis. So three accomplished yogis flew to Tibet ‘like a bird by miracle power,  employing a spiritual practice that allowed them to travel through the air, and that they landed on her roof terrace. 

Machig spoke the Indian language

While Machig was come out and spoke them in their own language, they surprised, and said, How could you speak our language? She replied because I had been Indian yogi in previous lives, Yogis said, do you remember your past life? She said; Yes, I can remember all of my past. to which they replied, Well, why don't you tell us about those? 

She said, but what I could wish to do is to collect all my disciples from Tibet and Nepal, then find translators for everyone can understand what I even have to explain, otherwise only you can be understood no others. 

She sent fast walkers everywhere

So, stage of this, she sent fast walkers everywhere in Tibet and Nepal. The Fast walker could also be a practice using inner powers to travel long distances without touching the rock bottom along-side your feet. It took a couple of months for everyone to succeed in Machig’s residence since not everyone knew fast walking. 

They arrived with a month's worth of supplies and Machig began to point out over millions of people, and interact in debates that were widely translated, No matter how much the Indians pandit(Yogis) tried, they can not defeat her. Not only was her scholarly understanding amazing, but her direct realization of enlightenment was unbelievable.

Indians do not have faith in machig

Finally, she said, Listen to me, everyone.  Indians do not have faith in me or my teachings, that's why they have sent these three pandits to me. These 3 pandits can enjoy my teachings, but instead, they only keep asking me about my past lives. they're going to not believe me, and after a short time, even my own disciples will begin to possess doubts. 

Machig predicted about herself past life

So now I ready to got to clear this up once and for all. She then described a subside Southern parts of India called Potari, there in the cave, she said, you can find my body from a previous life in that cave that had not yet decayed, but was youthful and healthy-looks. 

She told them to cremate body with white sandalwood and predicted exactly what would be found within the ashes, including bas-reliefs of 5 male and female Buddhas, also an image of the great mother, and a white and green image of the mother tara.

what is chod

She said that didn't proceed while she had described with no variations, then everything, including her teachings, can be considered false. 

Then the Pandits left with Fa-Dampa Sangye

then the pandits left with Fa-Dampa Sagye and using fast walking, they visited Potari cave with found the body, and created a huge of sandalwood and cremated the body of Machig Lapdrön’s previous incarnation. within the ashes they found various relics, all are precise as Machig had predicted. 

Then the Dampa Sangye returned to the Tibet with the relics, and people from everywhere Tibet came to determine them and receive blessings.

After this final correction of Machig's teachings, they spread widely throughout Tibet, Nepal, and India. and also recently spreading out all over the world

Indians requested Mahamudra chod teaching

Machig was now fifty-two. The Indians requested that she attend India to point out her profound Mahamudra chod teaching, but she said she had many incarnations in India and she needs to stay in Tibet, however, Machig would send her dharma teaching that originated in Tibet (Pungo Sengyurma), the Mahamudra Chod practice. 

This prompted her to write down a variety of her key works, which were then sent to India. especially, Her Mahamudra chod practice is known to union practice of sutra and tantra. 

While 99yrs, Machig was Pari-nirvana,(passed away)

At last not least, Many of her disciples became to achieve enlightenment. and when she was 99yrs. (ninth-nine) She becomes a nirvana( go beyond the samsara. And what she had been wished that All came true of her children became a lineage holder and particularly her Son-Thonyon-Samdrup. 

This is the biography of Machig Labdron:



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