Spiritual Knowledge

History | who is Gautam buddha

History, who is Gautam buddha

who is Gautam buddha

Gautam Buddha refers to the historical Buddha Shakyamuni or to anyone who has attained full enlightenment in the past or future. A Buddha may be a one that completely free from all suffering and mental distribution.

In general, ‘Buddha’ means ‘Awakened One’, someone who has awakened from the sleep of ignorance and sees things are as they really are. 

Who is the Buddha

A Buddha may be a one that totally realizes each of each single of university nature and transformed all bad mental thoughts into wisdom, loving-kindness, and compassion. 

There are many who became Buddha in the past, and lots of people will become Buddhas in the future too. There is nothing that Buddha doesn't know. Because he awoke from the sleep of ignorance and he removed all discursive thoughts.

Who is the Buddha

He realized everything of the past, present, and future, directly at once. 

Each Buddha has great compassion which is totally impartial, embracing all living beings without discrimination. this is what we called (Buddha) in Buddhism


Milan Tomic

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