Spiritual Knowledge

what is sur offering | what is the meaning of sur |

what is sur offering, what is the meaning of sur

what is sur offering

The meaning of the Sur, Tibetan word Sur (Sur) refers to the smell of(roasted flour with sweets, dairy products and aromatic substance that's offered to the four guests and particularly or especially offer to the spirits beings, (after death(Bardo, intermediate state beings,

The best times for practising Sur offering is in the evening or at nighttime. At the evening time are best because these are the times when spirits wander. this is often also the time when dakinis gathering time too(tantric deities). It’s easier for the intermediate state beings to easier Get what you offer at those times. If you can not make out at those times, then other times also are ok, but those are the most effective time.

In particular or special, Sur offerings nourish those within the bardo, the intermediate state after death, these beingsare experience hungry and thirsty, but they are nourished only by their sense of smell. This practice is going to be finished forty-nine days after someone’s death, with emphasis on dedicating the merit of this virtuous activity for the assistance of the deceased. 

It should even be done anytime anyone feels negativity or uncomfortable energy, Also offering this Sur is effectively remove of karmic debt oneself or other’s from past and presents lives.

It’s excellent if you can do that daily practice. but If you are doing it occasionally, then that is OK too. However, if you are doing it consistently then stop it’s not so good because the hungry ghosts get into the habit of being feed daily then they come and there’s no food. 

But just burning the sur ingredients are not enough. Without reciting the mantra, the sur is there but they can't eat the food. But if you are doing the particular practice and chant mantra, then it’s so amazing that they're ready to eat food huge amount like clouds within the sky. They receive such a lot by the ability of the mantra, through the Buddha’s kindness.





offerings are prepared, traditionally of roasted barley flour (tsampa) with Butter and the three whites substances, Yogurt, Butter, Milk, and also the three sweets substances) Sugar, Honey and Molasses, also if you would like to prepare more special and excellent delicious then can also mix twenty-five kinds of substances ingredients that are used for making tormas

what is sur offering

When doing the sur practice, you need to have actual food to burn on the coals to supply it. Otherwise, it maybe like trying to possess lunch with no a food. for a particular substance to be burn. it is best to use some kind of twenty-five ingredients. These are the five kinds of grain, five kinds of medicines, five kinds of scented substance, five kinds of the essence, and five kinds of jewels.

if you can not get those ingredients, then the minimum would be to use just roasted flour mixed with butter. Also mixed with men-chey powder is what’s traditionally used. However, you'll be able to use different types of roasted flour-barley, wheat, or corn-mixed with a little the butter. The butter shouldn’t be wet. Don’t melt it fold in many hard kinds of butter. So the minimum ingredients would be just roasted flour and butter. If you also able to get men-chey powder, then it’s good to include that in addition. 

There’s also a precious pill called Moon Crystal which might be obtained from a Tibetan medical or from the Tibetan incense shop also, which traditionally has these twenty-five ingredients. If you've got any of those pills, then you crush one and blend that tiny bit with a bigger container of roasted flour.


The container must be use a (Sur) practice will be clean and unbroken plates, the fire shouldn’t have much smoke. If you make fire with firewood, then usually there’s smoke too. If there’s plenty of smoke, then they don’t smell the food because the smoke the scent of the food. The food scent gets mixed with smoke, the smoke’s stronger, then they may not receive the food.

what is sur offering

So, reduce the smoke the maximum amount as possible. Let it burn the maximum amount as possible until there’s either no smoke in the least or little or no smoke. The less smoke is good for in order that the spirits can smell the food. while they smell the food and once you chant the mantra they get something. When fire is red inside with not big flame, then that is good. So then put the food on top of the burning fires. 

The fireside should be clean. Use clean flour mixed with material of medicine,(25-men-chey)will be obtained from the Tibetan Medical OR (TIBETAN INCENSE SHOP'S)(Twenty-Five Torma Substances). on the hot coals. ensure to allow enough air circulation so as that the fire doesn’t exit, don’t fully cover the coals, but make a bit mound of the Sur substances on top of the coals.


 the five kind of medicines within to eliminate the eons of sickness.

 the five scents within to have pure morality.

 the five jewels within to satisfy all needs and to eliminate the eons of harm from weapons.

 the five essences within to become the guts of all and to satisfy all wishes.

The benefits of the five medicines are to not have a disease and get happiness.

The benefits of the five scents are to achieve perfect morality and to not fall to the bad of transmigrators.

The benefits of the five jewels are to receive all needs in step with what one desires/wishes, to pacify war, and to not be harmed by weapons.

The benefits of the five grains are grown enjoyments and pacify famines.

The benefits of the five essence is to assist increase all the essence of samsara and nirvana and to satisfy all needs.

If you've got all twenty-five ingredients, it's a great benefit. 

they are different types of guests for offering (SUR) guest of samsara and peaceful guest who are beyond the samsaras. The special guests are the spirits, (death beings) or the (intermediate state beings),

then four and special guests are below;

1. guests of veneration Three Jewels.

2. Guest of qualities of Oathbound protectors.

3. guests with whom we've a connection of karmic debt.

4. guests of compassion, beings of six realms and

5, the special guest is Bardo(the intermediate state being) death beings.

The guest of beyond the samsaras;

1)guest of the Gurus, the Deities, the Buddhas of the fortunate aeon, the three jewels, the Bodhisattvas, the Arhats, the dakas and dakinis,

2)the guest of dharma protectors. Included here are entire protectors.

what is sur offering

The guest of samsara’s 

3) the guests of samsara who are the objects of your compassion is these Category included all the sentient beings of the six realms. 

4) You can particularly think about spirits, (intermediate state beings) who have died recently or past’s, and of these towards whom you owe karmic debts. 

Then you've got to invoke the Four Guests:

 firstly you have to visualize yourself a four arm's Chenrezig, then invite the guests. We should always visualize that the entire sky above us fills with of those invited guest, which guests of veneration the Gurus, the Three Jewels, the Buddhas of the fortunate eon, the Bodhisattvas, the Arhats, the dakas and dakinis etc.. and Guest of all qualities of Oathbound protectors seated on cloud banks. then visualize two other guests and specials are seating on the ground our right/left side then the whole direction of us to ready to serve the offering. think all seated comfortably on pleasant. 

1)Then First offer the scent to the gurus, the deities, precious Triple Gem, the dakas and dakinis,

2)second offer to the Dharma protectors. The scent of the Sur offering generating is infinite bliss within all of them. 

3) The third offer to guests with whom we've a connection of karmic debt is important to you just offer to those to whom you owe karmic debts.

E.g: When mouse, ants or other insect eat you'r foods, that’s because you've got karmic debts you owe to them. That’s why they’re coming. Also while Insect like wood-eater-ants eat the wood in your house, again they come and do this because you have got karmic debts. Karmic debts are the cause of why that happens.

In the past lifetime maybe you were persons or animals who drank milk, ate flesh or ate ghee that came from them. There is such a lot of stuff you have been received from them, then you have got karmic debts; you owe them. So, if you have not yet purifie that karma in the past, the karma ripen now and this sentient being are from whom you received things within the past time are now reborn as the mouse and eat the wood in your house or eat your food or other things that belong to you. It happens because within the past-time you incurred a karmic debt to them and you didn’t finish to repaying that karmic debt. It’s the same thing when some wild animals, monkeys,  or other animals come and eat the crops in your fields it’s the ripening of your karmic debts. If you had paid you'r Karmic debts, Then they do not come to eat your things.

mouse eat my room table very badly bcoz of karmic debt with him in past life.

what is sur offering?

4) The fourth guests are all mother sentient beings of the six realms. Meditate that each one the hell beings, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, devas, asuras and intermediate state beings receive whatever they have or want then this causes them to actualize way of method and wisdom in their minds. All their defilements cease and that they become enlightened within the aspect of Buddha of Compassion. The meditation here is simply like how you meditate while doing the practice of giving in taking, and (giving practice).

Then the particular offer to the smell eater these are spirits, intermediate state beings, Sur practicing is the often performing with the actual aim of offering a generosity of food for them because they're fed or sustained by smell only. 

When someone dies, unless they're progressing to be reborn within the formless realm they need to travel through the intermediate state. During that occasion their food is smell so if you are doing Sur practice for them, then they receive a smell foods of you're offering. After an individual has died, if you do that is very good and it’s superb to supply Sur for them daily for up to 49 days. here offer Sur to any those who have died recently whether by car accidents, suicide or the other causes and who have up to now been unable to seek out their next body.

what is sur offering | what is the meaning of sur

In this practice generating bodhicitta mind is so important in this term practice, so this is often how to generate the bodhicitta mind. have faith in Buddha along with your whole heart, then think three times, for the sake of all sentient beings I'm going to do this Sur practice. arise bodhichitta mind repeat three times or once.


The benefits of Sur practice are very extensive. the most benefit is for other sentient beings and especially intermediate state beings, (sprits, death beings)

people who have died and haven't yet been ready to find a new body and be reborn—to get food and Dharma teachings. The aroma that you just offer is food for them, bringing them happiness, and also you had chant some text and recite the mantra, that the Dharma teachings they receive free them from the reason for all their torments and sufferings. Also, for hungry ghosts who are so incredibly hungry, finding several years, but they don’t get a little of spit too, if you do Sur practice then they receive your charity of food and dharma, and it is pacifying their incredible suffering and also the causes of their suffering and pain. Other sentient beings get such a lot of help and enjoy your doing this practice.

the other important beneficial of sur practice is which i was explain before in some detail is the repaying you'r karmic debts, and to do practice sur to repay you'r karmic debts are can be a way of purifieng or solving many problems without creating the cause of future problems as you are doing on.

This practice is how of collecting extensive merit and pacifying obstacles to your Dharma practice, projects, or business. during this way, it brings success to any or all these endeavours. Furthermore, by making charity, it leads to prosperity and wealth, so it naturally brings success in business and other projects.

Another doing Sur practice is a way that causes you to be reborn during a pure land once you die. First, it brings success during this lifetime, so in the future it causes you to be reborn in Amitabha’Pureland.

what is sur offering


Milan Tomic

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