Spiritual Knowledge

what is love means | true love

❤️ 🌹Love vs compassion ❤️🌹

what is love means

true love means: to wish and desire to other happy and others free from suffering. And also Lovecompassion, kindness, bodhi Chitta, and bodhisattva minds are the semilar meanings. they are absolutely related with pure ❤️ hearts and feelings.

                      what is love means, true love   

they are not any connection with brain,perceptions, thoguths, doubt, confusion, analysis, That’s why they do not see any kind of different likes colors, numbers, goods, bad, humans, Animals, cleans, dirties. they just feel object of ones like and see.

what is love means?

They only see good and benefit of others, they think only the welfare of others, and do not see the needs of oneself with which one truly loves.that is the main key to the refers of love, kindness and compassion.  And it is also called in Buddhism, compassion, loving-kindness, ☸️(bodhisattva ❤️ heart), or ( bodhi Chitta mind.  

what is love means

So which way we need to live. to love or hate, It is up to us. It is  independentnobody asks you to forcefully to go on this and that way, without your own interest and choice. 💘💘💕💞💓


Milan Tomic

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