Spiritual Knowledge

what is prayer flag | what is Lungta?


what is a prayer flag?

what is prayer flag

In the Tibetans language wind flag, (prayer flags) is called Lung-ta which translates a Wind-horse. In the middle of the flags is a horse with three jewels on it’s back symbolizing Buddha, Dharma, and sangha.

The Wind-horse representing great energy, defeating evils and following the path to liberation. It free from fear and remove all kinds of obstacles. It rides on the wind spreading prayers and wishes for the benefit of all sentient beings all over the universal.

The flag has five colors yellow, green, red, white, blue, which symbolize the Five Buddha Families, the blessing of Buddha’s Body, Speech, Mind, Quality, and Activities as well as the five elements. 

Wind flags are supposed to make to solve all kind of problems, and bring happiness, peace, compassion, wisdom, and prosperity increase, Tibetan people say that if somebody experiences prosperity and happiness in their life, it means that they have good ‘lung ta,(goos fortune)

They also believe that if good fortune doesn’t favor one, they should hang a lot of wind flags.Traditionally, the wind flags are hung outside so that they are moved by the wind and the ones wish are carry to the world and create positive energy and spiritual vibrations in all beings.

Frequently, they are hanged around auspicious places just like templesstupas, top of mountain and hillside, as well as above the homes and fields. Also top of the hillside and on the Rocks

what is prayer flag, what is Lungta?

what is a prayer flag

Before hanging the flags, they should be blessed by a lama. It is also needed to write on them the names of those whom we particularly wish to dedicate our prayers and merit accumulated when hanging the flags.

Sometimes hanging wind flags are combined with rituals bringing prosperity such as the offering of fragrant smoke (Riwo Sangcho) though generally, they are separate practices. Since there are different deities, different mantra, and holy symbols on the wind flags, they should be treated with respect. 

They shouldn’t touch the ground when we don’t need them anymore, because they are old or damaged, they should be burned in the 🔥 fire.The auspicious day's benefits from hanging wind flags are multiple 100 million times. Additionally, it is auspicious to hang the flags at the times of full moon 🌕 and new Moon. 

A particularly good time for this activity is eclipsed. during an eclipse of the Sun, the benefits are multiple 100 million times when at the time of a lunar eclipse 7 million times.

what is a prayer flag

Inauspicious days.

Hanging flags on astrological inauspicious days will bring obstacles instead of bringing well-being. As long as the flags last, unfavorable conditions will appear. 

It is because of the presence of one being which in the Tibetan calendar is called Baden. (Baden-zangpo) is a demon from the class of elemental spirits,(the so-called nagas.) Hanging wind flag when the energy of a Baden is active, brings negative energy results. 

The most important thing is to have the pure motivation and express good wishes.  

So let hang the wind-horse flags on a day. Not in inauspicious days. 


Milan Tomic

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