Spiritual Knowledge

buddha life story | life of buddha |

life of buddha

Siddhartha Gautama(Buddha) was born in 624 B. C. in Kapilvastu Lumbini, Nepal.

His father was King Suddhodana who ruled the tribe. 

His mother Mahamaya, died seven days after giving birth to him.

buddha life story, life of buddha

After the baby was born Then Father took him to the saint for looked his future fortune.  A holy man told to the king and predicted the young Siddhartha, he would either be a great King or spiritual leader.

But Father didn’t wish him to become a spiritual leader. So the king was not happy with his son became a spiritual leader, in order to keep Siddhartha from experiencing the sufferings of the outside people and outside world, the king raised him in a palace which king was built four seasonal cottages and sheltered for him to keep away from human hardship. 

When Siddhartha was sixteen years old, he finished his education and married his wife Yasodara. Then they had one baby name was Rahula.

 Beyond the Palace Walls

When Siddhartha reached his 20 years old, he became very curious to go outside and look around the outside world. One day he got a chance to overtake the palace walls with his charioteer Channa, and directly reached in the market with many many people with the realities of human frailty: 



When Siddhartha was in the market he saw these four different situations, which he never saw before in the palace.

1)a very old man.

2) a diseased man.

3) a decaying corpse.

4) an ascetic.

 Siddhartha asked to charioteer, about those, he replied everything is explained. Then he realized all people can get old, sick, died, and also can become ascetic life.The charioteer explained that the ascetic had renounced the world to seek freedom from the human fear of death and suffering.Then Siddhartha was overcome by these sights, and the next day he left his kingdom, wife, and son to lead an ascetic life at age 29.

The Ascetic Life and Enlightenment

In the next six years, Siddhartha lived an ascetic life and concentrated on his practices,  studying and meditating using the teaching of various religious teachers are as his guide. But he never got the experience and answer what He came for a wish from those Guider teachers. So he practiced his new way of life with a group of five ascetics, and his dedication to his new research was so imaging and that the five ascetics became Siddhartha's followers. 

They were really diligently to practice without any food, even they refusing to drink the water and redoubled efforts to meditated to enduring pain, and hardship to fasten nearly starving to death.Whatever, until one day when a young girl offered Sidhartha a bowl of Rice, As he accepted it, he suddenly realized that living under harsh physical discipline was not helping him achieve spiritual release. And free from suffering.

 So he had his Rice, drank the water, and bathed in the River. The five ascetics decided that Siddhartha had given up the ascetic life and would now follow the ways of the normal and easy life, they promptly left him. From then on, However, Siddhartha encourages people to take the path of balance, not the path of extremism.He called his way is the middle path. 

 life of buddha

 The Buddha enlightenment 

when Siddhartha was set under the Bodhi tree, Vowing to not get up until the truths he was seeking came to him, and he Meditated until the sun was come out of the next day. He remained there for several days, purifying his mind, seeing his entire life, and previous life’s in his mind. During this time, he had to overcome the threats of Mara, an evil demon, who challenged his enthusiasm to become the Buddha, when the mara was tried to claim the enlightened state as his own, Siddhartha touched his hand to the ground and asked the Earth to witness to his enlightenment, 


buddha life story

What he did, He became tame the Maras, and soon a picture began to form in his minds of everything that had arisen in the universe, and Siddhartha finally got the answer to his questions which he had been looking at for so many years. In this moment of pure freedom(enlightenment), Siddhartha became Gautam Buddha. (Liberation)

Wheel of dharma 

Siddhartha was gotten great methods and wisdom but he refused to teach human beings with his new knowledge and wisdom because he could not communicate to others in words and ordinary people can’t understand his deep knowledge and wisdom.

But according to the ancient, it was the king of the gods, Brahma, who was requested to the Buddha to teach, and He got up from his seat under the Bodhi tree and continue preached the buddha-dharma to all sentient beings.About 100 the miles away, he came across five ascetics who had practiced with such a long time, who had left him on the eve of his enlightenment, Buddha began teaching to them and others who had gathered together.

life of buddha

His first dharma teaching is known as (wheel of First dharma), in which he explained the four noble truths and the eightfold path, which became the basis of BuddhismThe five ascetics became his first disciples and laid the foundations of the Sangha, or community of monks. Women also accepted to join the Sangha community. disregarding all class, caste, gender, and previous background rules, only in the hope of gaining knowledge by removing suffering and achieve spiritual emptiness. 

This is the view of buddha and way of his life


Milan Tomic

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