Spiritual Knowledge

what is butter lamp | what is the purpose of butter lamp


butter lamp offering

 What is that meaning of offering Butter Lamp |  and why Butter Lamp offering? 

what is butter lamp, what is the purpose of butter lamp,

In the Buddhist tradition, offering Butter Lamps symbolize the clarity of wisdom.The offering Butter lamps Are means of dispelling the darkness of all sentient beings and one's own ignorance and giving rise to clarity and wisdom. 

Also, that lamp’s light will remove the obstacle, heal diseases, eliminate the lower realms darkness the intermediate (Bardo) overcome the torment of beings who are suffering darkly and the Inner Light of great wisdom will arise in all sentient beings' minds.

 AIt says into the second chapter of the basis tantra of Chakrasamvara. 

Who could be a manifestation of Shakyamuni Buddha, and If you want to be great realizations, then offer a hundred butter lamp’s lights, people don't offer the lamps because enlightened beings got to see them. Rather, offering Lamps could be a means to satisfy our own wishes just like happiness life and creates harmony in society.

Generates a butter lamp's merits while promoting success, prosperity, longevity, wealth, and world peace. Also, aspire that everyone being will develop greater mental clarity to get the causes of long-lasting happiness in virtuous actions of body, speech, and mind. 

Also, help the pacify the upheaval of the five elements, and increase the inner wisdom, also are going to be reborn Pure Land(Amitapa Buddha Heaven) and to receive the first Dharma teaching of future buddha. 

express Into Arya Maitreya Sutra states:

Those who offer one thousand lamps lights or one thousand blue lotus flowers or who built up a Stupa, or who make the Holy Form are going to be reborn when Maitreya Buddha reveals the deed of gaining enlightenment and receive his first Dharma teaching.

So Butter Lamps are utilized in every Buddhist temple, household, and altar in Buddhist families. 

Butter Lamp Cups are normally made from:

traditionally burned with ghee butter and oils. Butter Lamp Cups are normally made from silver, brass, copper, or metal. So it is an important and easy way to collect effective merits. In traditionally, Butter Lamps are offered as a dedication to the dead beings and guide them through the Board(Intermediate) by wisdom light and take away their suffering.

So do not be miss of the offering butter lamp because of really easy and less effort to accumulate such a great

what is a butter lamp

butter lamp offering

In the Tune of Brahma Shakyamuni Buddha say;

The 10 benefits of offering lights

1, One becomes just like the light of the planet. 

2, One achieves clairvoyance of the pure eye as a person. 

3, One achieves Deva's eye. 

4, One receives the wisdom to discriminate virtue from non-virtue.

5, One is ready to eliminate the concept of inherent existence.

6, One receives the illumination of wisdom.

 7, One is reborn as Human beings or deva.

 8, One receives great enjoyment wealth.

9, One quickly becomes liberated from samsara.

10, One quickly attains enlightenment.

butter lamp offering


Milan Tomic

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